Objednávka meče nebo jiného produktu uvedeného v sekci PRODUKTY:
Order delivery
After accepting an order, which will be confirmed verbally during personal meeting or via email during internet order, your order will be processed and ready for production. Options of delivery of product are part of order.
When weapon is delivered personaly, the customer is notified by arranged way (in firm of SMS or email) about finishing of the order. In term of 30 days after notice (if not arranged otherwise), the customer is obliged to pick up the order and pay. IF not, product is offered to other customers.
When doing delivery via middleman (other authorised person or post office...) the customer is notified of finishing of order and the product is given to authorised person only in case of direct payment or is expedited via post office, cash on delivery; customer is charged with postage and packing (approx. 450 CZK in Czech Republic).
If customer prefers post office and payment via bank account, following procedure is due. After finishing of order, photodocumentation is done, which is set on agreed email adress together with payment details, incuding postage and packing (approx. 450 CZK in Czech Republic). After recieving the payment, the product is shipped. If the payment is not recieved within 30 days of email notification, the product will be offered to other customers.